The disk is a removable disk.
input myNumber
set myAnswer = myNumber / 2
output myAnswer
<span>Pseudocode is a computer programming language that resembles plain English
and compiled or process into the computer. It explains the solution of the problem.
Sometimes used as a detailed step by step process in developing a program</span></span></span></span></span>
Connectionless and connection oriented information
There is wireless and wired information in a network so...
original = float(raw_input("Enter initial balance: "))
interest = float(raw_input("Enter promised return: "))
expenses = float(raw_input("Enter monthly expenses: "))
interest = interest / 100 / 12
month = 0
balance = original
if balance * interest - expenses >= 0:
print "You don't need to worry."
while balance + balance * interest - expenses >= 0: # negation of the if condition
balance = balance + interest * balance # in one month
balance = balance - expenses
month = month + 1
print month, balance
print month / 12, "years and", month % 12, "months"
In other words, the CSS rules can "cascade" in their order of precedence. Where the rules are located is one factor in the order of precedence. The location order of precedence is: browser default rules, external style sheet rules, embedded styles, and inline style rules.