Latitude is the angular expanse of the north or south of the
equator of the earth, while longitude is the angular distance of a place east
or west of the meridian at Greenwich, England, or object. The latitude and
longitude of the following cities are:
Kansas City - 39.0997⁰ N, 94.5786⁰ W
Philadelphia – 39.9526⁰ N, 75.1652⁰ W
Reno – 39.5296⁰ N, 119.8138⁰ W
Minneapolis – 44.9778⁰ N, 93.2650⁰ W
The herbivore population would starve and decrease as well.
Mitochondrion because it’s the powerhouse of the cell.
Lytic infection is a kind of infection, which results in the bursting of a cell. During the lytic cycle, the infected cell and its membrane is being destructed. Therefore, during a lytic infection, the host cell is destroyed when it burst. The word lysis means the disintegration of a cell by rupture.