The answer is the paragraph beginning..The MS control the tops.." tops of freight trains.." ..they rob migrants riding the trains.." In order to cross the country in search for her mother, Enrique has to go up against the most dangerous sitiations.Not only has he to cope with gangsters ,but also confront thieves and officers willing to hunt migrants .Nevertheless, after the abandonment that could have caused his addiction, Enrique decides that no action is dangerous enough to keep him away from his mother any longer.
1. Were performed by men wearing masks - expressionism.
2. Allegories representing vices and virtues - morality plays.
3. Based on the life of one of the saints - miracle plays.
4. Early secular plays - Greek plays.
5. Presented stories from the Bible - mystery plays.
6. Presenting life as the playwright saw it, rather than as he would like it to be - realism.
7. Using concrete things to represent abstract ideas - symbolism.
8. Led to the use of scrims and whirling stage platforms. - Roman plays.
9. Commercial theater presenting short-run, low-budget plays. - Legitimate theater.
10. A group of actors presenting a variety of plays - repertory plays.
The answer is C. Tan chose writing even though English was not her strongest skill.
I'm going to go out on a limb and say a lottery
they have high tea every mornin and another 16 times thru the day with they cousin that they married. they kids are siblings and seconed cousins once removed witch keeps the family acent in the blood