B. A tropical hurricane
Because when warm and low air pressure come together, it 'rubs' together - making a hurricane to form. As it gets "mad"!
(Tell me if I'm wrong).
purple flowers, round seeds:PPRR, PpRr, PpRR, PpRr
purple flowers, wrinkled seeds: Pprr, PPrr
white flowers, round seeds: ppRR, ppRr
white flowers, wrinkled seeds: pprr
1) Hydrogen
2) Nucleotide phosphates
3) Sugar
4) Original free DNA
5) Unzip exposed bases
6) Identical
7) New
8) Complementary
2 Choose from the following words to fill in the blanks of the steps in DNA replication. Each one may be used only once. identical new sugar unzip exposed bases original free DNA nucleotides phosphate hydrogen The ____hydrogen_ bonds between the bases break, and the two DNA strands unwind and____ nucleotides phosphates____ are brought in, and they attach to the ____sugar___ on both DNA strands. Bonds form between the ___original free DNA___ and ____unzip exposed bases__ molecules of the just-arrived DNA nucleotides, forming a new strand. DNA replication results in two DNA double helices, each composed of one ___identical___ and one ___new__ strand. The new DNA molecules are ____complementary_____ to each other and the original DNA.