By assembling the rocks into parts of a bigger rock that might have eroded over time.
I think the height of the ramp affects the distance that the ball can go, but the size doesn't affect it
and as you decrease th height of the ramp it will look like straight thing, when it look like that the ball might need a little force in order to get speed also to go far
but in this condition the size can affect the ball distance it also depends on how much you give to it
Thank you !
look at it it's all over the place
It would collapse
Garlic mustard also produces root exudates that inhibit the growth of important soil fungi and leaf chemicals that kill native butterfly larvae that feed on the plant
In addition, invertebrates and other consumers that rely on these natural plant species for food are harmed by the spread of this invasive "weed". Garlic mustard also produces root exudates that inhibit the growth of important soil fungi and leaf chemicals that kill native butterfly larvae that feed on the plan