ISO standards
ISO / IEC 14443 is the ISO standard that covers RFID usage by devices.
EPCglobal - Electronics Product Code Global Incorporated is also another international standard that covers RFID. These two standards work together to standardize RFID products produced by manufacturers so that these products can be the same across different markets and manufacturers. Example I can purchase a tag from one manufacturer and a transceiver from another and they would function well together. There are also other standards for RFID but the above two are the biggest and most popular with ISO being the oldest.
The objective of this task is to compute a program that involves the usage of Python code to save the data to MongoDB and to query the database.
Due to the error that occur which makes me to be unable to submit this answer, I've created a word document instead and the attached file can be found below.
Answer: an antivirus is a type of program designed to protect computers from viruses, spyware, botnets, rootkits, keyloggers and such. There are many versions and types of anti-virus programs which can be very helpful.
Such as:
Ad Aware.
Mc Afee
Hope this helps u...
Answer: it will be greater by $2.6 billion