3) A Single linked list is a sequence of elements in which every element has link to its next element in the sequence.
DATA stores actual value , LINK stores address of next node
As per information given in question, letters at the even addresses are items in linked list and the odd addresses will be used as links.
Even Address Odd Address
12 (Stores 't') 13 (Used as link)
14 (Stores 'm') 15 (Used as link)
16 (Stores 'a') 17 (Used as link)
18 (Stores 'r') 19 (Used as link)
20 (Stores 's') 21 (Used as link)
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes. Here Front or Head has address 16. Which represents the Head Node.
Following image represents the word "smart" with respective nodes and their addressing.
Numbers represented by circle are addresses of respective nodes.
The head pointer is: 20
1. Scripts area is the main working area in Scratch.
2. Sensing blocks are color-coded light blue.
3. Adware is a malware which pops up a window, informing the user that the system is infected and asks for a fee to clean it.
4. Amaya is a WYSIWYG.
If user output is ''red purble yellow exit'': red purple yellow import java.util.Scanner; import java. io.PrintWriter; import java. io.StringWriter; public class StringStreamOutput { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner snr = new Scanner(; Stringuseritem = ''''; StringWriter itemcharStream = new StringWriter(); PrinterWriter itemsOSS = new PrintWriter(itemcharStream); System.out.printIn(''Enter items (type Exit to open):''); useritem =; while (!userItems.Equals(''Exit'')) { /*Your solution goes here*/ UserItem = scnr.nxt(); } useritem = itemCharStream.toString() System.out.printin(useritem); return; } }
Chronological Order. ...
Logical Order. ...
Climactic Order. ...
Random Order. ...
Spatial Order.
cout<<"Introduce number \n"; //print the message
cin>>num; //set the value of the number given
}while(num<1 || num>10); //repeat while the number is out of the range
cout<<"Number: "<<num; //print the number
The idea behind this code is to create a loop in which I can compare the number given (between 1 and 10) and then print the number or get back and ask the number again.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int num; //create num variable
cout<<"Introduce number \n"; //print the message
cin>>num; //set the value of the number given
}while(num<1 || num>10); //repeat while the number is out of the range
cout<<"Number: "<<num; //print the number