Your health triangle is based on all of the levels being met so by keeping up with your physical activity you’re strengthening part of your pyramid and keeping the balance. Physical: you drink lots of water everyday. Mental: you journal to get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper so you have a fresh mind. Social: you hang out with a good group of your friends at least twice a week.
vasogenic edema
Vasogenic edema is defined as extracellular accumulation of fluid resulting from disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and extravasations of serum proteins, while cytotoxic edema is characterized by cell swelling caused by intracellular accumulation of fluid.
I think it's health because it fits best in the sentence and situation
It can help your emotional, mental, and physical health if you do a self assessment. It helps identify what is wrong and what you can improve on like thinking helpful thoughts and avoiding unhelpful things.
Hope this helps!