Sort dialog box
Sort dialogue box is used to sort data in Excel.
The add level Adds another row to the dialog box so additional columns can be sorted while the delete level removes any unwanted level. How to access it: Press the down arrow beside the sort order tab. Tap the button "The Largest to Smallest". Tap the Add level button.
The correct answer to the following question will be "The wavelengths of the electron beams are also much shorter or less than illumination and visible light".
TEM seems to be a methodology of microscopy during which a pulse of electrons is transferred to create the effect through some kind of microscope, could approach biological objects at the sub-nanometer standard, as related to hundreds of nano-meters for either the absolute best microscope with super-resolution.
Also because of the electron beam's distances, they are still much shorter or smaller than daylight and infrared light, meaning that biological objects and artifacts can be resolved.
Give the type and value of each result of the following Java expressions. a. (5 / 2) * 2.0 type is float value is 4.0 b. (5/2.0) * 2 type is integer value is 5c. "1.3" + "5.2" type is string value is 1.35.2d. 1 + 7.0 + "2" + "x" this will produce an error because we cannot add variables of different type