When you divide fractions you can multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.
To find the reciprocal of the fraction, you need to flip it. Then the original denominator will be the new numerator and the original numerator will be the new denominator.
Then, the reciprocal of the fraction is:
Therefore, you can find the quotient of ÷ by multiplying by :
When dividing fractions these are the steps you will take:
1. The first number in the expression stays the same (if it is a whole number then you may just place a one in the denominator and keep the numerator as the whole number like so)
2. Change the division sign into a multiplication sign
3. Take the reciprocal (switch the places of numerator and denominator) of the second number in the expression
4. Multiply across
As you can see to find the quotient of ÷ you must multiply 8 by 3 (C)