Recommend using Guthook’s AT Hiker App (iOS, Android), which is quite useful if you want to pinpoint your location along the trail with a Smartphone GPS (which can still operate when it’s not connected to cell phone service.) It’s better than carrying a trail map because it’s always up-to-date and the app lets you share information with other nearby hikers (like local Wifi passwords, the location of good campsites, water availability, and shelter conditions) using a virtual trail register capability. While you can carry a paper version of the AT Guide or tear out pages from it, I refer to a PDF version of it and Guthook’s App on my smartphone. Like it or not, a smartphone has become an essential on the Appalachian Trail. (See the Appalachian Trail Cell Phone Guide)
If a cell's mitochondria were destroyed it would die. Mitochondria are the power houses of the cell and without energy, necessary reactions could not take place .
If a mitochondria stopped working the cell would not have its respiratory function such as to use carbon dioxide, water, and energy in which the cell needs to survive so the cell would eventually stop moving and slowly die out with no nutrients and energy.
Spores, Fission, vegetative reproduction, Budding, fragmentation.
Umm can you please add a but more context I don’t understand the question your asking
a molecule of glucose because the other have energy being spent while the glucose has the potential of spending the energy or being used for energy