Rotifers have a small brain, located just above the mastax, from which a number of nerves extend throughout the body.
If females are educated then they will not only be kept from prostitution and other nasty things like that but they will also learn the risks of unprotected sex.
The given scenario illustrates An emergent property.
A property that explains about the functioning of any system as a whole is an emergent property. The units of that individual system will not work to give the functionality of the entire system. Fallacy of division occurs when there is a failure in the realization of this emergent property.
For instance let us take an ant colony. Ant as a single organism will not be able to attain certain works. While when they join to form a colony they together can accomplish complex and tedious tasks. Hence, in human body also cells of heart acts as an example of an emergent property as they together can accomplish the function.
it's called taxonomy or binomial nomenclature
the first name is generic (from genus) and begins with a capital letter
the second name is specific (from species) and begins with a small letter
silt 3
an aquaferis a rock layers that stores and allows the flow of groundwater