he decade had its problems. It began with the financial Panic of 1873. Railroads were growing so fast that nearly 6,000 miles were being laid down every year (17,000 miles between 1871 and 1873). With so much new construction, lending was strained and overextended.
♂️ <------------ Here is a little picture to brighten your day up :>
<em>American Imperialism </em>helped businessman to obtain many benefits a long the years.
1.- It created a road to modern globalization.
2.- It made possible millions of investment dollars in weaponry to support the industry of war.
3.- With modern machines and advance infrastructure, businessman contributed to the modernization of various undeveloped countries.
4.- Once used in the war industry, many inventions and technological advancements served to create new products and services that companies develop and adapted for daily consumption.
We try to fix women's right's by raising our voices. Voice amplifies , directs and changes the conversation. Support one another. Recognize inherent dignity in oneself and all other human beings through acceptance of identities different from one's own. Share the workload. Share the responsibility of creating safe environments for vulnerability to be freely expressed. Get involved. Acknowledge that your actions are crucial to the creation of fairness and accountability. Identify your commitments. Speak about them, and act on them. Educate the next generation. Listen actively and seek understanding. Share experience and knowledge to grow wisdom. Know your rights. Human rights are women’s rights, and women’s rights are human rights. At their most basic, human rights concern reciprocity in human relationships that extend to all humanity and beyond.
Banyak interval dalam tangga nada minor natural sama dengan interval yang ditemukan dalam tangga nada mayor: kedua mayor, keempat sempurna, kelima sempurna, dan oktaf.
Ini disebut interval nada dari tangga nada diatonis minor. Misalnya: [C – D – E – F] - [G – A – B – C] ... dan natural minor.
Because they didnt agree with what America was doing and was in disfavor of compromising their idea of slavery in the South ( where most slavery was).