Ellos son pelirrojos.
Carmen es alta.
Yo estoy en la clase de español.
La película es a las once.
Hoy es viernes.
Nosotras estamos enojadas.
Antonio es médico
Romeo y Julieta están enamorados.
Los libros son de Ana.
Marisa y Juan están estudiando
El partido de baloncesto es en el gimnasio
We use the verb ser to talk about a permanent state of something (e.g. characteristic of the person or thing), while we use the verb estar to describe temporary states or conditions, emotions, locations, and actions.
e.g. Carmen es alta. / Marisa y Juan están estudiando.
The recency effect
Recency effect: In social psychology, the recency effect is defined as the process of sequence related to presentation effect that arises because an individual's tendency to remember information that is being presented more recently in a better way instead of the information being present earlier and therefore it gains more weight while making a judgment.
The recency effect has been widely used in the researches related to impression formation.
In the question above, the given phenomenon is referred to as the recency effect.
Answer: Protesting the Stamp Act
The distributors became so scared of the Sons of Liberty that many of them quit their jobs. They also gathered in large groups and protested in the streets. Their protests worked and the tax was soon repealed by the British government.
Sunscreen, hydration, protection, etc.
Al Gore's roommates at Harvard were Tommy Lee Jones , today an actor (e.g. Batman Forever), and Bob Somerby, who later became an editor for a media criticism website.