when the amount of snowshoe hares increases, the more food will be eaten. since they are herbivores of the same species, they are competing for the same plant (the willows). the more that's eaten of the plant, the more poison is released, resulting in decreased hare population.
The cardiovascular system helps maintain homeostasis by continually supplying the central nervous system--the brain and spinal cord--with oxygen and glucose. Brain cells start dying after just one minute without oxygen. The brain is the control center for all of the body's homeostatic processes.
Yes because brown eyes are a dominant gene while blue is recessive gene so one of both of the parents ancestors had to have them for her to be their biological daughter.
The Pepsi he drinks at 10 pm
Pepsi is a caffeinated drink that has caffeine in it. Caffeine is a stimulant which means it keeps the body awake and alert. Caffeine works by mimicking adenosine. Adenosine is produced by neuron cells and when it binds to its own receptors (autocrine signaling) it triggers the neurons cells to continue firing. As the adenosine levels fall as the day progresses, the brain is signaled that it is time rest. Adenosine levels are at the lowest when its almost bedtime. However, when Jon takes Pepsi, the caffeine in it bind to the adenosine receptors and make the brain neurons to keep ‘firing’.
There is a place in the lid where the fluid rushes to when you tip it, leaving the air bubbles in the cylinder of the bottle. In some companies it's a chemical inside the fluid that can evaporate over time and looses it's " magic" effect.