Since herpes is spread from active skin infection and not from latent infection, a newborn baby can be infected with herpes only if they are born while the virus is active. Neonatal herpes generally occurs if the baby's skin becomes infected during the birth process.
Give out posters to people and advice them how to reduce the spread of mosquitos carriers like the Aedes mosquito,Have regular thermal fogging and checks, have more doctors to help advice/prevent the spread of disease
<h2>Answer 1 with Explanation </h2>
Epidemiology is the biological study in which the study provides information about the occurrence of disease and its control in any group of people. There are two type of epidemiology that is cohort studies, case-control, and cross-sectional studies. These studies are carried out among different societies to inform people about the occurrence of any disease and how it could be controlled.
<h2>Answer 2 with Explanation</h2>
Health Expenditure is basically measuring the health care good consumed by the people in any society. The health care services include long term care, physical care, and other medical goods come under this. The health expenditure also looks after the family planning programmes , nutritional activities, and other stuff related to the person living in any community.
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