more snow :) more snow :) more snow :) more snow :)
Nitrogen is important because, it helps us grow crops, and it produces grass for animal. It comes from lightning and is named nitrogen fixation
By which free nitrogen (N2) is extracted from the atmosphere and converted (fixed) into nitrogen compounds which are plant nutrients (fertilizer). In nature, this process is carried out by certain bacteria (present in the root nodules of legumes such as beans and peas), blue-green algae, and the lightning flash.
Thus the Nitrogen form the atmosphere the biotic part to the ecosystem converted into the biotic part.
Clearcutting removes all the trees within a certain area at one time. Shelterwood cutting also removes all the trees in an area, but does it in stages over several years. Seed-tree cutting removes all the trees except for a select number of mature trees that can then reseed the area.
Hope that helps!
Hello LonelyPerson, to answer your question.
The Galápagos were officially annexed by Ecuador in February 12 1832 and were named "Archipelago del Ecuador.". It is still today officially a province of Ecuador. Ecuador claimed the <span>Galápagos Islands</span> just three years before their most famous visitor, Charles Darwin, dropped anchor on the Beagle and stepped ashore and into history.
Signed by, Virtuoso Sargedog