They encouraged colonization by offering headrights to anyone who could pay his own way to Virginia: 50 acres for each passage.
They also used the system of indenture, in which people who did not have money, could pay their passed with a certain number of years of work and with it gain their own land.
At the end, they also turned to African slaves.
The reason the United States was pulled into World War 1 was because of the Zimmerman Telegram.
This Telegram was intercepted coming from Mexico to Germany and said that Mexico planned an attack and wanted a truce with Germany
One of the long-term effects of the New Deal on the United States was that Americans rely on the federal government for a social security safety net. The correct answer is B.
Rousseau would want Britain to give up it's power over the colonies since the British were not creating equality, supporting individual freedom, or giving the people an adequate voice. All of which were the basis of his teachings.