The answer is Letter C. A Petit Mal Seizure. A Petit Mal Seizure or Absence Seizure is a type of seizure that makes the victim unresponsive for a few seconds and returns to consciousness afterwards. Not remembering the seizure episode he/she had. Therefore, Lucas experienced a Petit Mal Seizure or Absence Seizure.
A <u><em>receptor</em></u> is a protein that recognizes and responds to a signal.
A receptor is a protein molecule present on the cells on which the signalling molecules can bind and generate a physiological response. Some receptor molecules can also respond to Sun and light. Each type of cell has specific receptors molecules and hence can respond to specific signals. The receptor molecules hence tend to receive signals for a cell. Molecules such as hormones bind to the receptors.
El trifosfato de adenosina, o ATP, es una molécula pequeña relativamente simple. Esta puede ser considerada como la principal moneda energética de las células, así como el dinero es la principal moneda económica de las sociedades humanas.
Sea floor spreading-> <u><em>Oceanic ridge and Magma pushing two plates apart</em></u>
Continental drift-> <u><em>Concept of pangaea and Oceanic plates sliding under continental crust</em></u>
Due to the divergent plate movement, the magma come out to the surface, forming the mid oceanic ridge and this separation of plates on the sea floor is known as the sea floor spreading. The magma here pushes the two plates to move apart because of the convection current that generates in the mantle. One example of mid oceanic ridge is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Continental drift refers to the slow and gradual movement of the lithospheric plates over the viscous asthenosphere layer. This motion of continents takes place because of the plate tectonic movement. Due to this plate motion, the denser plate gets subducts beneath the less denser plates. For example, the oceanic crust when collides with a continental crust, it gets subducted because of its higher density. The great supercontinent "pangaea" also formed and separated due to this plate motion.