You've all lived here for a long time. Are you really just willing to let someone else come in and claim it as their own? Let us not back down for our families and for our homes. We together shall defend our homes and our right to live here in peace. Grab what you can and don't give up. Don't just sit idly by waiting for them to take your home and make you suffer. And if we die we fought for a good reason for ourselves and our families. Now all of you let's get out there and defend our homes!!!!
Or something like that this is for defending...
Hope this helped.
A brainliest is always apprciated.
Timber and fish/deep harbors
Nepal uses many people 2/3 the population in agricultural production and they need machines so that the workforce can do other things. They use it for subsistence, most of the country is rural and there is high poverty. This is their main source of employment and food. This does not allow for growth in other areas or money for modernization. They fully rely on the weather for growth of plants. Modern practices are needed and a cash crop to export is needed for the capital to keep up. The government should fund larger farmers and encourage smaller farmers to team up to share crop. They should also provide machines, roads, storage, and education on modern practices in order to get started.