Seward had always advocated for the freeing of all slaves, but with this proclamation he felt that “such a proclamation ought to be 'borne on the bayonets of an advancing army, not dragged in the dust behind a retreating one.” Seward's suggestion to wait until after a victory was adopted along with his other: that
going to war zones and helping with medical treatment
very important
Trade between two agents or countries allows the countries to enjoy a higher total output and level of consumption than what would have been possible domestically. Canada and Mexico can each specialize in the good they have a comparative advantage in and exchange with one another.
Im pretty sure its true but not 100% correct .
A) David
Jerusalem has stood at the center of the Jewish people's national and spiritual life since King David made it the capital of his kingdom in 1003 BCE. The city remained the capital of the Davidic dynasty for 400 years until the kingdom was conquered by the Babylonians.