c) the misinformation effect
Misinformation effect: Elizabeth Loftus has been one the influential researcher in the study of misinformation effect.
The misinformation effect is defined as the propensity for past event information to hinder or interfere with the original memory of that particular event. It can cause in developing false memories and even provides inappropriate or inaccurate memories.
The misinformation effect usually hinders a person's episodic memory.
7 Important Criteria for Classification of Animal Kingdom
Symmetry: Many protozoan's are asymmetrical because they are not divisible into equivalent parts; a few show spherical symmetry. ...
Segmentation: ...
Appendages: ...
Skeleton: ...
Sex: ...
Embryonic development: ...
Information reach
Information reach is the amount of different people an information or advert is able to get to and also what fraction of these individuals fall into the audience to which an information or ad is targeted.
A general measure of reach for a Website is its amount of "unique visitors per month." For example, supposing an advert banner campaign was tailored to car owners. If the Website visited got a unique visitors of 100,000 a month where 90% of the audience are car owners, an advertisement campaign on such the site would reach 90,000 diverse car owners in a one-month run.
Steel railroad tracks, barbed wire, farm machines, and taller buildings
Answer: Complexity
Explanation: The nervous system is an essential and integral part of an individual or animal which aids the receipt and transmission of sensory information from and to other parts of the body. In the scenario above, the complex nature of the nervous system which enables it to codify more than one sensory information at a time is highlighted, It receives and peocesses different sensory signals simultaneously, transmitting received signals or stimulus to the brain to act on. The complexity of the nervous is demonstrated in Ashley's ability to talk on phone, type on a computer and hand documents to colleagues simultaneously.