What one thinks about another visualizes .
Observing behavior in real-world settings and making no effort to manipulate or control the situation is known as naturalistic observation. It is a research method that is most used by psychologists which they observe their test subjects in thir natural habitat without changing any parameter.
They say to keep order and safety for the people they ate over. I think it was just a way to gain control. It really depends on how you look at it.
Sandford facts for kids. Dred Scott v. Stanford 60 U.S 393 (1857) was a United States Supreme Court landmark decision. In 1857 the court ruled that African Americans, whether free or slaves were not citizens of the United States
A. Authorities maintain total control over the lives of the people
Totalitarian starts with the word “total” meaning total control. Totalitarian leaders control housing, education, business, labor and wages, press and food supply, to name a few. People in these places have little to no options and are usually extremely oppressed.