I think Head Start
The Head Start program was designed to help break the cycle of poverty, providing preschool children of low-income families with a comprehensive program to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs.
B. Ratification
A. This is a power the president has, to veto a bill/law.
C. Impeachment is when the President gets "kicked" out of office for doing something incorrect.
D.Levying Imposing a tax, etc.
Thus, once the Constitution was approved it was known as ratification.
The Ancian Regime was the social and political structure created in the Kingdom of France under the late Valois and Bourbon dynasties from around the 15th century to the late 18th cent. The phrase is occasionally used as a reference to other parts of Europe in the same medieval social and political structure. The administrative and social institutions of the ancient regime have come about as a consequence of years of government construction, legislative actions, internal disputes and civil wars. But, until French Revolution ended, it remained a mixture of local privilege and historic divergences. Notwithstanding the idea of absolute monarchy and attempts