when the amount of snowshoe hares increases, the more food will be eaten. since they are herbivores of the same species, they are competing for the same plant (the willows). the more that's eaten of the plant, the more poison is released, resulting in decreased hare population.
Genetic drift occurs when there is no random mating across a population. This causes a change in allelic frequency due to a random sampling of the population.
As the aboriginal population explored the earth, a small part of the population became geographically isolated either due to continental drift and climate changes. As the isolated population grew bigger, they established their own gene pool. This resulted a change in genotypic frequencies from that of the aboriginal population.
b) kidney and bladder
Kidneys are the main organ in the excretory system and the bladder stores the urine in the body. These are two of the organs that make up the excretory system.
Blood born pathogens refer to contaminants in body fluids