The coracoid process serves as the attachment site for several muscles. The pectoralis minor is attached to the medial aspect of the coracoid. The coracobrachialis is attached to the tip of the process on the medial side, and the short head of the biceps is attached to the tip of the process on the lateral side.
Sexual reproduction creates more genaric diversity because it needs two creatures.
While asectual only needs one person.
if it only requires one person then the offspring recieves that persons genes.
in sexual reproduction it requires two people wich means tge offspring receves half of each persons genes and since no one has the ecact same genes then it creates more genetic diversity.
Snake venom involves enzymes, proteins and substances with a cytotoxic, neurotoxic effect and coagulants.
Snake venom is very deadly because of the enzymes it contains. For example, Snake venom hinders cholinesterase which causes loss of muscle control.
Accuracy describes how well a measuring instrument determines the variable it is measuring. How close the value is to real value. The level of accuracy of measuring tool determines the detail to which it can measure. In order to be accurate in their work scientists need first select a measuring instrument that allows an appropriate measure of accuracy and then to calibrate it. Calibrating an instrument involves measuring already known quantities to check how accurately it is. In the laboratory accuracy of a test is determined when possible comparing results from the test in question with results geenrated from an established reference method.