Baghdad, Iraq, Mecca and Saudi Arabia are 869 miles apart
Due To Scattering, Refraction and Defraction
Red color gets scatted the most. That's why can be seen in the foggy environment, and that;s why traffic light red is the most prominent. In dark, phenomena like scattering, refraction and defraction act together. In the absence of light, scattering can be less and refraction contribute to judge the color of the object. Now between the human eyes and the object, there are two phenomena " refraction and defraction, which makes the watcher spot his shirt as dark grey.
While Solomon built numerous projects in Israel, including the great temple, he married many pagan wives, which allowed idolatry to prevail. God was no longer central to Israel, thus the Israelites faced the wrath of God.
Hello! I'll gladly go over this question as a native Spanish speaker.
It's very common to see Spanish words that were adapted or transitioned from an English word. Cafeteria would be one of them. Another eample would be tanque = Tank. This is the result of a bad pronunciation or adaptation from the original word which would be the English one.
You can definitely find many examples like that one, and notice how Spanish cultures mix English words with their Spanish and adapt them until they become official words in dictionaries.