A: the F1 generation
Parental cross:: WWDD x wwdd
Possible Gametes for each parent: WD& wd
B: The F2 generation
F1 cross WwDd x WwDd
Possible Gammetes for each parent: WD, Wd,wD, or wd
No, the solution with bacteria in it needs to be diluted in order to be in the range of 30 – 300.
A colony-forming unit –CFU is used to estimate the number of viable (ability to divide by binary fission) microbes in a sample.
A sample of microbes is diluted and spread on a plate. Then, the number of colonies is counted, assuming that each colony have grown from a single colony-forming unit, or CFU.
Plates with more than 300 colonies are difficult to count while those with less than 30 colonies give statistically unreliable numbers of colonies to count.
Interphase ???????????????????
The correct answer is A. Lemurs
In biology, a primate is a taxonomic order of mammals that originated around 85 million years ago as animals that lived in trees and derived into multiple species including lemurs, humans, apes, monkeys, gorillas, etc. Additionally, primates as a taxonomic order divide into two suborders prosimians and anthropoids. The first group of primates is mostly nocturnal, small and also they have a smaller brain, this includes primates such as lemurs and tarsiers. On the other hand, anthropoids have a bigger brain and size and also have more advanced cognitive abilities this includes gorillas, monkeys, apes, and even humans. Considering this, the on that is not an anthropoid but prosimians are the Lemurs.