cover less than one year, usually spanning one-, three-, or six-month periods
Interim financial statements: Interim financial statements are those statements that are prepared for less than one year. It can be made monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. But its duration is less than one year. It is used to give updated information which can change the investor's decision in a future period.
It includes all types of statements like balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement. These statements are not audited and mostly it is prepared in publicly held companies.
periodically pay a fixed rate of interest and receive a floating rate of interest.
The interest rate (rate of return) can be defined as the percentage of interest or dividends earned on money that is invested.
In Financial accounting, a return refers to the amount of profit generated by an investor on an investment over a specific period of time.
Basically, the interest rate which is typically expressed as a percentage of the initial costs of an investment can either be a gain or a loss on an investment. Therefore, a positive rate of return on an investment over a specific period of time, simply means that an investor is making a profit (gains) while a negative rate of return on an investment over a specific period of time, indicates that the investor is running at a loss.
By convention, a swap buyer on an interest rate swap agrees to periodically pay a fixed rate of interest and receive a floating rate of interest.
D. if profit were positive, then firms would enter, decreasing price, and if profit were negative, then firms would exit, increasing price.
Perfectly competitive firms are price takers, hence they cannot influence the price of their products.
Perfectly competitive industries have no barriers to entry or exist of firms ,so if in the short run, firms are earning economic profit, then firms would enter into the industry , decreasing price, and if profit were negative, then firms would exit, increasing price. This makes perfect competitive firms to earn zero economic profit in the long run.
These are the factors by how it shifts the current demand curve to a new position:
Shifts left
- 2% rebate on a Toyota Camry, a substitute good
- Big sale coming in three months
Shifts right
- Free brake inspections
- Consumers' income increases by 10%
Supply increase and demand decreases