Here's what I know.
They don't do road rage, attempt racing, or try to start what can potentially be a major car crash.
1) She must change her eating habits
- Quit to junk food
- Limit the intake of chocolate
- Include vegetables in her meals
- Create a diet with limited calories, with healthy food, inlcuding some of her favorite snacks (not junk food)
- Include carbs, proteins, fat and limited sugar.
- Count calories
2) She must icrease the exercise
- The goal is to exercise moderately during 150 minutes per week
- For example: more walk, climbing stairs, going to the park, do some sport., dance, etc.
-The exercise must no be vigorous, just moderate. The intensity may increase in steps of 10%, every two weeks.
3) Psicolological help
- Self-motivation
- Family and friends support
- Measure her weight frequently
- Go to a psicology if it is necessary
- Reward herself for short accomplishments
Positive psychology is a branch of psychology focused on the character strengths and behaviors that allow individuals to build a life of meaning and purpose—to move beyond surviving to flourishing
the scientific study of positive human functioning and flourishing on multiple levels that include the biological, personal, relational, institutional, cultural, and global dimensions of life."
You should be very professional
The answer is protein.
According to the food plate, more than half of your food portion should be filled with proteins. Not only proteins provide you with energy with stable spikes throughout the day, protein also really important for our body to build up muscles that contribute to our overall strength