Classical Latin is the correct answer
La guerra ruso-turca de 1877-1878, también conocida como la guerra de Oriente, tuvo sus orígenes en el objetivo del Imperio ruso de conseguir acceso al mar Mediterráneo y liberar del dominio otomano a los pueblos eslavos de los Balcanes. ... La guerra despertó los intereses imperialistas de dos grandes potencias:
The Answer would be 3. those brought through the space trade in Africa.
British aristocracy had a lot of money but in general they weren't allowed to do any work. They would have to devote to things like art or or philosophy or such things. They used the money to invest into businesses and participate in such a way that was allowed for them by the society. They helped develop numerous new innovations with their money.
For the poem I will choose the desert, since between the Mediterranean and equatorial regions of Africa there are two large deserts, the Sahara to the north and the Kalahari to the south.
Oasis for the meeting
Our souls are undressed,
Oasis natural essences
Where our love becomes a verse
And where we are.
In the desert of stillness
I will vacuum your perfume
Where the desert of my thirst
Will look for your mouth
In a generous waterfall.