The geosphere transfers carbon to the biosphere when volcanic eruptions occur. Burning fuels like carbon dioxide, fossils, gasoline also transfers carbon from the geosphere to the biosphere.
Carbon is incorporated into the geosphere when an organism dies. The carbon then forms fossils fuels etc. which are consumed by humans. The shells becoming limestone also transfers carbon. These limestones are used by humans for various purposes.
The option A is the correct option. The fungi share a mutualistic association with the trees.
Mutualism or interspecific cooperation is the way two organisms of different species exist in a relationship in which each individual fitness benefits from the activity of the other. And in this case, both plant and fungi are benefited by each other. The plant provides food and habitat for the living of fungi and fungi, in turn, decompose dead organic matter to provide simple compounds to plants.
While in commensalism only one either plant or fungi can be benefited. And it is also not a parasitic interaction.
A. People can Change the way that the genes flow
are complex structure four connected rings of carbon atoms. They are cholesterol which is in all body cells and used to synthesize other steroids:sex hormones, such as estrogen, and testosterone and several hormones from the adrenal glands.
are comprised of an ester of a long-chain alcohol and a fatty acid. Many plants have leaves and fruits with wax coatings to help prevent water loss.
consist of Glycerol portion and fatty acid chains. Only two fatty acids chains; in place of the third is portion that include a phosphate group. THe phosphate portion is soluble in water [hydrophobic] forms the ''head'' of the molecule, while the fatty acids portion is insoluble in water [hydrophobic] and forms a ''tail''.
to store energy for cellular activities. Carbohydrates fat molecules are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen atoms.
This sticking together of like substances is called cohesion. Depending on how attracted molecules of the same substance are to one another, the substance will be more or less cohesive. Hydrogen bonds cause water to be exceptionally attracted to each other. Therefore, water is very cohesive.
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