All possible outcomes when two thumbtacks are tossed are listed
{ UU ,UD,DU,DD} here U means the tip is up and D means the tip is down.
The probabilities of all these possible outcomes are
{ p(UU) ,p(UD),p(DU),p(DD)} are {1/25 , 4/25 ,4/25 , 16/25}
Step-by-step explanation:
The probability that it lands tip up is 20% P(U) = 
The probability that it lands tip up is 80% P(D) = 
All possible outcomes when two thumbtacks are tossed are listed
{ UU ,UD,DU,DD} here U means the tip is up and D means the tip is down.
- Probability of getting two lands tip up = P{ UU} =
- Probability of getting two lands tip down= P{ DD} =
- Probability of getting one tips up and one tips down P{UD} =
- Probability of getting one tips down and one tips up P{DU} =
note:- The sum of all probabilities is equal to one
that is =