Produced in the gall bladder
1.Helps in breakdown of fat droplets to increase the surface area for digestion (emulsification)
2.provide an alkaline medium for enzymatic activity
3. Neutralize acidic chyme from the stomach
Hope these help
Matter is important to science
The properties of matter are important.
The metric system helps with measurement.
The tip of a pencil is one centimeter long.
A gram is very lightweight.
Most grocery stores have two-liter cokes.
Tiny rocks may be a millimeter long.
Celsius is one way to understand temperature.
Fahrenheit measures temperature.
Weight is an important factor for our health.
in all living organisms, it consist of systems that shows a complemetary nature of structure and function at all organizational levels . these levels are cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, whole organisms, and ecosystems. every part plays a role in every function in the body.
*The two cellular structure that work together to synthesize, modify and transport macromolecules within the cell is endoplasmic reticulum and golgi apparatus.
*The endoplasmic reticulum is a synthesis and transport organelle that branches into the cytoplasm in the plant and the animal cell.
*The golgi apparatus is a multi compartmentalized organelle where where the synthesized molecules are packaged for delivery to the other cell components or for the secretion from the cells.