Analogous structures
Analogous structures are similar structures that evolved independently in two living organisms to serve the same purpose.
Analogous structures are examples of convergent evolution, where two organisms separately have to solve the same evolutionary problem – such as staying hidden, flying, swimming, or conserving water – in similar ways. The result is similar body structures that developed independently.
In the case of analogous structures, the structures are not the same, and were not inherited from the same ancestor. But they look similar and serve a similar purpose.
For example, the wings of an insect, bird, and bat would all be analogous structures: they all evolved to allow flight, but they did not evolve at the same time, since insects, birds, and mammals all evolved the ability to fly at different times.
Positive ions from a base and negative ions from an acid form a it helps for example ypu have positive ions right well take my smart advice well the positive ions and the negative ions they combine together to make sulphour
There are 64 fish, 8 ducks and 4 turtles.
From the question, there can be from 2 to 99 fish in the pond. However, there cannot be fractions in the number of fish, ducks or turtles. Hence, the number of fish must have both of a perfect square and perfect cube. The perfect squares from 2 to 99 are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81. The perfect cubes from 2 to 99 are 8, 27 and 64. Since only 64 fits both criteria, the number of fish is 64. The number of ducks is the square root of number of fish, which is the square root of 64. The square root of 64 can be either positive 8 or negative 8. However, there cannot be negative numbers, so there are 8 ducks in total. The number of turtles is the cube root of the number of fish, which is the cube root of 64 and it is 4.