Option A(True) is the correct answer for the above question.
- The flowchart is used to give the solution of a problem through the diagram in a step by step processor. It helps the user to understand the solution easily. For diagram, it uses many types of symbols that are fixed for every sequence just like An oval symbol represents the start and end of the flowchart which is fixed for every flowchart.
- So for the decisions in a flowchart, the diamond symbol is used which is to make the decisions and it has two sides-- one is true and the other is false.
- The decisions are used also to represent the loop structure which is also called the repetition structure because the loop is controlled by the help of decisions so the diamond box is also used for the loop
- The above question-statement says that the decisions-controlled is used for the loop and for the decisions which are true because it is also described above.
Each pixel in an image is made up of binary numbers. If we say that 1 is black (or on) and 0 is white (or off), then a simple black and white picture can be created using binary. To create the picture, a grid can be set out and the squares coloured (1 – black and 0 – white).
Primary storage. Primary storage (also known as main memory, internal memory, or prime memory), often referred to simply as memory, is the only one directly accessible to the CPU.
<em>Continuous Process Production</em>
In a study on the relationship between industrial structure and performance, conducted by <em>Joan Woodward</em> from 1950 to 1959,
she classified technology into <em>three groups</em>:
- <em>Small batch and Unit technology </em>
- <em>Large batch and Mass production
- <em>Continuous process production
She came to a conclusion that the <em>continuous process production was the most complex</em> and unit technology as the least.
Following are the responses to the given question:
This list is based mostly on the processor. Then you'll be ordered. An interrupt of a particular cable (wire) is produced for PC-ish CPUs (IRQ 0 - 31 for some intel processors). The bigger challenge is a lower number.
Strange factors have included a system clock, power business, 0, some reserved for use by CPU testing, serial/parallel/... ports and also some terminated/error/state/new devices requests device Thus a key touch on the keyboards could create an interrupt that was direct on old devices.