- How many months is 23 weeks?
Each month has at least 4 weeks, with some months having an extra day or two.
It's given to find how many months see there in 24 weeks. For this, we need to divide the given number of weeks (23) by the number of weeks in 1 month (4).
We can see that 23 weeks is <u>5.75 months which is approximately 6 months. </u>
If you want a more standard value then we can calculate weeks in 1 months as 4.345. Then, we must divide 23 weeks by 4.345.
Now, we'll get the answer as <u>5.293 months</u>.
You can write the answer in either form. Your answer can be rounded of to 6 months in the 1st explanation or it can be written as 5 months if you followed the 2nd explanation. The given weeks is 23, an odd number..so it's hard to decide the correct number of months.
Answer:Persecuted both Jews and Jews who had converted to Christianity.
<span>The option which is the least important to consider before choosing a fitness activity is B. the popularity of the activity. It doesn't really matter whether an activity is popular and if a lot of people are doing it, you should do whatever you want to do. So, your personal interest, the cost, and time commitment are things you need to consider before opting for an activity, and you don't have to think about its popularity really.</span>
Answer: encoding
Encoding can be defined as the process which involves the conversion of data from one form to another which can only be deciphered or decoded by the owner. This is done for the purpose of securing the data from theft and piracy. In this process the symbols in the data are mapped into the form of bytes. The encoding is of several types like character encoding, image encoding, video encoding and audio encoding.
A. immune system