The law of three stages is an idea developed by Auguste Comte in his work The Course in Positive Philosophy. It states that society as a whole, and each particular science, develops through three mentally conceived stages: (1) the theological stage, (2) the metaphysical stage, and (3) the positive stage.
Attached is solution diagram. You can see that true breeding means both have same alleles for purple PP and white WW flowers.
They were crossed to produce hybrid plants that all had purple flowers PW because purple was the dominant trait.
However, upon self fertilization of those hybrid plants, both purple and white flower plants were produced in 3:1.
Hope it helps!
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A punnet square predict the traits of offspring genetic crosses and test crosses.
In pea plants, the traits or characteristics inheritance is been observed and studies by Gregor Mendel. A model was proposed by him, in which the characteristics or traits are specified from genes. Genes can take different alleles or versions. The appearance of an organism can be determined by the dominant alleles. These hides the characteristics of recessive alleles.
The law of segregation is, When gametes are made by an organism the copy of one gene is passed to each gametes. The combinations of allele which is genotype, and the phenotypes which are the characteristics that are observable can be predicted by a Punnett square. This is done by genetic crosses.
In order to predict whether the organism is heterozygous or homozygous can be determined by a test crosses.
Rainforest cover only 2 % of the total surface area of the Earth but in spite of that about 50 % of plants and animals that live on the Earth live there.
By definition rainforests are forests that recieve high amounts of rainfall so you can actually find rainforests in Alaska for example (other examples: Canada, Asia, Africa, Latin and South-America)
About 1/4 of natural medicines are found in rainforests. 70 % or more of the plants that are used to treat cancer are found only in tropical rainforest on the planet.
Trees in tropical rainforests are so dense that it takes approximately 10 min for the rainfall to reach the ground from canopy.