At the start of World War II, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a peace treaty called the German-Soviet Nonaggression pact.
This would be broken as Germany invaded the Soviet Union during World War II.
Answer:The are no options but the victory result was because U.S produced a peace treaty that compelled the spanish to relinquish claims on Cuba and give power over Guam,Puerto Rico,Philippiens to the U.S.
Answer: Arousal theory
This theory explains that people or individuals always seeks to attain the optimal level of arousal and thus will perform actions that strives to maintain such height.
Arousal theory of motivation’s directly affects an individual performances and following Yerkes-Dodson Law, implies that higher levels of arousal will improve performance till it reaches the optimum height, after which performance start to drop with further extreme increase or decrease in arousal which will cause such individual to loose concentration in performing an action.
Here, Kevin, a basketball player sinks thirty straight free throws during practice but during the critical game of the season, with the score tied and twenty seconds left to play, Kevin misses three consecutive free throws. Kevin's behavior can best be explained by arousal theory because his arousal levels was too high causing him to loose concentration and perform badly.
Using emotions to facilitate thought
Mayor and Salovey have given emotional intelligence model in 1990. Step by step person uses their emotions to express their feelings. the steps are here such as :
- Perceive emotions: In this category the subject identifies the emotion and understand the physical states, feeling and thought at the moment.
- emotions facilitation of thinking: Emotion gives priority to those feelings which kept important information.
- Understanding and analyzing of emotions: In this category, the emotion recognize the relation among the word the emotions themselves such as reading and listening
- Regulation of the emotions to promote intellectual and emotional growth: This category refers to the ability to open up with both the negative and positive feelings of emotions