i think d don't pick it yet let me do sum thinking
The emergence of external and internal challenges that threatened the stability of imperial states
The Second New Deal differ from the First one as it focused more on jobs and those who could not work
Answer: Option A
The Second New deal was primarily focused on the safety of workers and the development of long-lasting financial securities to drag out the nation from the economical crisis and be well-prepared for future endeavours.
The Works Progress Administration formed, employed millions of American in government projects to enhance the development of the nation along with the distribution of better job opportunities and wages.
Besides this, the Wagner Labor Relations Act, the Social Security Act, Fair Labor Standards Act also helped in grooming the nation by excelling the stature of living and working under pre-defined set of rules to work.
d. began to wane as counterculture had become counterproductive.
The hippie movement was started as a youth movement that developed in the united states of America in the mid-1960s, but that, like many movements, has spread all over the world. the hippies were also revolutionaries who made history by speaking up for what they felt was right. It was a unique counterculture and those engaged were not worried about what people consider of them. However, the movement faded away when it became counterproductive.