6. Seafood industry is an example of primary industry.
7. Osaka is an important textile centre in Japan. It is called the Manchester of Japan.
8. Maruti Udyog come under joint sector.
9. Jamshedpur is the name of the place where TISCO began.
10. The first cotton textile mill was established in Ahmedabad in 1861
11. Silicon Valley is located near the Santa Cruz Mountains.
12. Regions like the Mumbai-Pune cluster and Chotanagpur industrial belt are important industrial regions of India.
13. The process of smelting is done in a reverberatory furnace.
14. Basket-weaving, handicraft, and pottery are examples of small scale
It is known as civic or civil inattention. It is the method whereby strangers who are in close vicinity exhibit that they are mindful to one another without imposing on each other - an acknowledgment of the claims of others in terms of public space and their own personal space.
Answer: chief of which is a gradual decrease in the fertility and hence the productivity of Egypt’s riverside agricultural lands
Human beings have different forms of education. For example, in Western culture education is generally shared between the family and the school through demonstration and example.
Education is a term that refers to the acquisition of new knowledge. Education has been developed over time and adapted by each culture according to its customs and idiosyncrasies.
For example, in Western culture humans have developed complex educational institutions and systems that are hierarchically divided and classified by areas of knowledge.
Likewise, the entire system of life is configured around that educational system. For example, the labor system requires certain studies and specializations to access a job and people get a job depending on what they have studied.
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The Cold War was important because it split the world into two rival sides that came into conflict with each other in a number of places around the world. This conflict has left us with, among other things, a huge aresenal of nuclear weapons, particularly in the US and in Russia.