Higher than normal because yo have less plasma blood volume.
Plasma blood volume is mostly water and plays an important role in maintain the electrolyte concentration. Less plasma leads to dehydration.
In eukaryotic cells, DNA is located inside the nucleus so the processes are separated both in location and time. Replication and transcription occur in the nucleus, while translation occurs in the cytoplasm.
Nitrogen is a constituent element and is part of many compounds in plants.
Nitrogen is a building block and there is no process in plants that is not affected by nitrogen.
If there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, the growth decreases, the leaves are yellow, pale green, chlorosis occurs, the root is removed, its branching is reduced, the yield and quality of fruits are reduced.
b. True
Behavioral ecology is a science that studies animal behavior, considering its evolutionary and ecological bases, in which through experiments it seeks ways to show the evolutionary / adaptive causes of behaviors. Ecoetology deals with functional questions about behavior, how a behavioral pattern contributes to the survival chances of an animal or group of animals and their reproductive success. In addition, behavioral ecology is a meeting point for the study of behavior, ecology and evolution, in which ecology is the stage on which the animal must perform its behavior, and evolution in which organisms will be selected for having higher behaviors. success.
For this reason, we can conclude that the study of behavioral evolution, emphasizing the role of ecological factors as agents of natural selection, is known as behavioral ecology.
The phloem carries important sugars, organic compounds, and minerals around a plant. Sap within the phloem simply travels by diffusion between cells and works its way from leaves down to the roots with help from gravity. The phloem is made from cells called 'sieve-tube members' and 'companion cells'.