6:45 PM
Accroding to Timezone standard, New York in United States of America is One Hour behind of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Hence, Jose moving from Sao Paulo at 4:45 PM means the actual time in New York at the time of the starting the flight is 3:45 PM.
Therefore, after three hours of flight from Sao Paulo (Brazil) to New York, Jose would land in New York (United States of America) at exactly 6:45 PM
You or the driver. The person on the right should wait until they are able to cross the street.
Option: The Southern economy became increasingly dependent on large-scale farming.
Increasing large scale farming led the Southerners to become dependent on slavery. The south had large estates with land to cultivate which they called plantations. Each plantation grew cash crops to meet the requirement of the European markets and to generate wealth. To grow crops labors was necessary to support the tobacco trade. In 1650, about three hundred Africans living in Virginia which later increased with the Transatlantic slave trade from Africa to the Americas in larger extent.
Answer: Displacement
What is meant by displacement in your memory ?
Displacement is a term that is used to explain the fact that we tend to forget the infromation stored in the short term memory due to the lack of availability.
In a short term memory as long as the new information is acquired the old information is then eliminated quickly or displaced.
Displacement also suggest that the information that has been stored for too long will be easily displaced
Under this theory it is discovered also that when people are give a list of words to recall in any order they are mostly likely to recall those that are at the top of the list , the recalling of items at the top of the list is referred to as primacy and those at the end is know as recency effect.
Primacy effect explains that we are able to recall the first words in the list because when we first receive them there are not competing with other words so it is easy to rehearse them repeatedly for several times and as a result they get transferred to our long term memory.
As the list get longer though there is a competition now between words which makes it hard to remember or to keep rehearsing those at the end of the list as the result they stay in the short term memory until they get displaced which explains the recency effect.