Answer:the name of the people that had settled in the middle colonies was the Indies.
Father of liberalism (John locke)
gravity (Isaac newton)
master of philosophy (Jean jacques)
political French philosopher (baron de montesquieu)
Harappan Civilization's writing has never been decoded. Harappan Civilization is a part of the Indus Valley Civilization. The languages of the Harappan Civilization belong to the Bronze Age and they are still today a mystery. This language is totally unattested to any source that is readable. This is one mystery that is yet to be solved.
The significance for communism is that it has caused many wars between the U.S. and other communist countries. The United States doesn't believe in communism, so we are trying to help the people in other countries.
Iron Curtain was where Europe was divided during the Cold War.
The Cuban Missile Crisis put America in a state of panic. The United States was on the brink of nuclear war.
The Vietnam War was significant because America helped fight against communism in Vietnam. We fought against North Vietnam.
The Taliban gave sanctuary to Osama Bin Laden.
Septmeber 11, 2001. This day shook the nation. It helped create thousands of jobs, especially in the TSA (Transportation Security Administration).
The war in Afghanistan was fought because of 9/11/01. We fought the al-Qaeda.
We fought in Iraq because of oil. The whole Kuwait thing happened in Iraq.
<span>The War on Terror, also known as the Global War on Terrorism, is a metaphor of war referring to the international military campaign that started after the September 11th attacks on the United States.</span>