Explanation: The numbers in a hex are the same as decimal numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The big difference between a hex and a decimal is that a hex also contains letters. These letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F. A hex number can be represented using a subscript of 16.
Answer: much faster than average (11% or higher)
Beta testing is a Quality Assurance process, where Developers and testers evaluate the quality of application experience from the point of view of the users, who are the most important targets of any software product.
INSERT INTO Movie(Title,Rating,ReleaseDate)
VALUES("Raiders of the Lost ArkPG",'PG',DATE '1981-06-15'),
("The Godfaher",'R',DATE '1972-03-24'),
("The Pursuit of Happyness",'PG-13',DATE '2006-12-15');
The SQL statement uses the "INSERT" clause to added data to the movie table. It uses the single insert statement to add multiple movies by separating the movies in a comma and their details in parenthesis.