A vaccine uses a live pathogen that is too weak to make you sick. Once it enters your body you defeat it easily. Now that yur body is familiar with it your body can fight off the disease in the future.
Make the worse disease die A: c. maleria
In diagnosing thyroid disease, thyroid function must be established first. This can be done by testing for the TSH, T4 and T3 in the serum. After testing for the thyroid function, ultrasound must be done, this can help us to visualize if the nodules are cystic or solid. Ultrasound can also help establishing the size of the tumor as well as if there is an invasion. FNAB can be done to determine the presence of malignancy, before doing this patient must be in euthyroid state. Hyperthyroid patient can lead into thyroid storm if FNAB was done without knowing the thyroid function of the patient.