1) ‘I’ll make a fine Nation of you, or I’ll die in the making!’
2) “I’ve come back,” he repeated; “and I was the King—me and Dravot—crowned Kings we was!
3) “I am telling you as straight as I can, but my head isn’t as good as it might be.
The first one is about his plans on becoming the new king, and to do that, he won't let anything get on his path to rule the whole kingdom, and if it does, he's capable of dying to get there.
The second one is an illusion, something that was happening only on his mind after drinking too much, but he realizes it after that.
The last one is a suffering, he is suffering for a specific reason that is pretty much influencing him to feel sad at the moment.
To study the processes by which past behaviour influences future behaviour, participants were led to believe that without being aware of it, they had expressed either support for or opposition to the institution of comprehensive exams. Judgment and response time data suggested that participants’ perceptions of their past behaviour often influenced their decisions to repeat the behaviour. This influence was partly the result of cognitive activity that influenced participants’ cognitions about specific behavioural consequences and the attitude they based on these cognitions. More generally, however, feedback about past behaviour had a direct effect on participants’ attitudes and ultimate behavioural decisions that were independent of the outcome-specific cognitions. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for biased scanning of memory, dissonance reduction, self-perception, and the use of behaviour as a heuristic.
Um... idk where the places where placed or any of the geographical were. I was completely confused but... In east egg tom lived, in west egg (the main character) Jay Gatsby lived and in valley of ashes the wilsons lived
yeah people always like here it's in this file
A) He looked up to her as a poet.
<u><em>She is recognized as the first published black female author. Hammon never met Wheatley, but was a great admirer. His dedication poem to her contained twenty-one rhyming quatrains, each accompanied by a related Bible verse. Hammon believed his poem would encourage Wheatley along her Christian journey.
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