The answer is A. The Ribbon is a UI component which was presented by Microsoft in Microsoft Office 2007. It is situated underneath the Quick Access Toolbar and the Title Bar. It includes seven tabs; Home, Insert, Page design, References, Mailing, Review and View. Every tab has particular gatherings of related summons.
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Answer and Explanation:
1. There’s need to ask for help and advice from people who have the
knowledge and skills in making a simple electrical gadget.
2. Adapter is used to plug appliances that are far from the main power source.
3. Do not touch the metal pipes while you are doing electrical repairs.
4. Shut off the power at the main switch or circuit breaker and unplug the equipment when working on electricity.
5. Pliers are tools used to grip, pull or cut electric wires.
From the above, we have corrected some of the errors that could be made in everyday home appliances or home electricity. In number 4, it is also worthy of note that shutting off power at the main switch will only require emergency situations otherwise we need only shut off the one for the problem circuit and leave the rest.
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a freeware is a software that is available free of charge but is not distributed with the source code.