Both physical and chemical weathering, along with erosion, can change Earth's surface as physical weathering allows breakdown of rock into smaller pieces, these pieces can be move from one place to another through water, wind or ice (erosion), and when the smaller pieces will settle down at a place, rain water can react with the soil or smaller rock pieces to form rock minerals.
For example: Running water, wind, and rapid heating/cooling allows the rocks to break down into smaller pieces or grains (physical weathering), then the small grains are transported and settled away from the source area through wind or river (erosion), and at the end the surface area exposed to air for chemical weathering.
I think it’s nucleic acid
The head at the top, the tail is just for getting to the egg
Fungi are unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic organisms that are dependent for their energy and food on dead organic material or other organisms. These organisms produce by both sexual and asexual reproduction.
1. club fungi show a bipolar mating system as they have positive and negative mating strands.
2. sac fungi have an erect fruiting body filled with asci.
3. The chytrids have a cell wall of chitin, a flagellum, absorptive structures for nutrition therefore have a lineage.
4. The common molds grow in the form of hyphae and shows all for of nutrition and live in every possible habitate.