This is Dodd-Frank Act
This Act carries a whistleblowing assistance to inspire those with authentic data and evidence about security violations to report them to the government wherein whistleblowers will receive a monetary prize.
Dodd-Frank formed the CFPB or Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to safeguard the consumers from huge, unsupervised banks and merge the consumer security responsibilities. It also works with officials in large banks to avoid dangerous business methods that eventually hurt consumers. This control provides access to consumers a precise information about loans and credit scores.
C. They were cities in Japan where the US dropped atomic bombs
City in Japan, the first to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, on August 6, 1945. The bombing hastened the end of World War II.
Japanese city devastated during World War II when the United States dropped the second atomic bomb on Aug 8th, 1945.
Capitalism means enterprises owned by the private owners for making purely making profits. patriarchy means men hold the power and women are largely excluded. Gender inequality demotes that women are not treated equally in the society.
Capitalism and Patriarchy is supposed to be the structural impediments in the society which mostly denies equality to women and creates Gender inequality. gender inequality exists when there is dominant and insatiable patriarchal institutions that always works for reaping profits.
Capitalism and Patriarchy is based on the class society and both theses systems rely on gender inequality to reap huge profits. Building up of an egalitarian society is the only way to free women from oppression.